A one academic year licence for the e-book version of Civic, Social and Political Education for the New Junior Cycle.
- Includes up-to-date content on global issues including Covid-19, the Black Lives Matter Movement and Brexit
- Visually appealing, vibrant design in a clear, student-friendly format with photos, illustrations and graphs
- Each chapter is introduced with learning outcomes, key skills and key words
- Covers the three strands central to the CSPE short course:
- Rights and responsibilities
- Global citizenship
- Exploring democracy
- Contains a wide range of activities, exercises and case studies that stimulate creativity, critical thinking, working with others and active learning while also developing literacy and numeracy skills
- Activities in every chapter support learning and self-assessment
- Provides in-depth suggestions for the Citizenship Action Record and a completed sample action at the end of each strand, supported by a ‘Steps to Action’ animation with useful advice for students on how to carry out their Citizenship Action Record
- CSPE key skills and Wellbeing indicators highlighted throughout